Current Production


Date: 29th of January - 1st of February 2025

Performances start at 7:30pm

Un Ballo In Maschera

Venue: St Andrews URC

Corner of Finchley Road and Frognal Lane

London, NW3 7DY

Director: Lee Davis
Musical Director: Giannis Giannopoulos

Tickets available soon

We offer several options for purchasing tickets, so you can choose the one that works best for you. One convenient way to purchase tickets is online via TicketSource.

Alternatively, if you prefer to reserve tickets at the door or have any questions about our productions, you can email Sara at or call us at 020 7794 9516. Sara will be happy to answer your questions and help you reserve your tickets for the upcoming show.


29th of January 2025 (Wednesday) - 18£

30th of January 2025 (Thursday) - 18£

31st of January 2025 (Friday) - 20£

1st of February 2025 (Saturday) - 20£

Don't miss this enchanting opera - an evening filled with passion and brilliance awaits!

About "Un Ballo In Maschera"

"Un Ballo in Maschera" is an engaging and dramatic opera composed by Giuseppe Verdi. Set in 18th-century Sweden, the opera tells a story of love, betrayal, and assassination. The main character, King Gustavo III, is secretly in love with Amelia, who is the wife of his close friend and advisor, Count Anckarström.

As the opera progresses, King Gustavo's secret love for Amelia is discovered, sparking jealousy and betrayal. Count Anckarström, initially loyal to the King, becomes involved in a plot against him after learning of the affair. The story is further complicated by Ulrica, a fortune-teller who predicts Gustavo's tragic fate, and Oscar, the King's loyal page, who adds a touch of innocence and loyalty amidst the chaos.

The climax occurs at a grand masquerade ball, where themes of disguise and deception come to life. Amidst the masked dancers and festivities, the conspirators make their move, leading to a tragic ending.

With its powerful arias, dramatic conflicts, and intense emotions, "Un Ballo in Maschera" explores the complexities of human relationships and the tragic outcomes of hidden desires and political schemes. Verdi's beautiful music and the gripping plot ensure that "Un Ballo in Maschera" remains a captivating and timeless opera.

About the Director

Lee Davis

Lee began her career in the theatre as a singer. Her operatic roles number over 30 and include some of the best loved soprano heroines, Violetta, Mimi, Marguerita, Lui, Manon, and The Queen of the night. Her venture into directing started by assisting with many Operas and then co-writing and directing musical revues. Since then she has directed Opera, Operetta and most of the Gilbert & Sullivan’s Operettas. She has enjoyed returning to Brent to direct an Opera she performed in 1991 Future directing includes La Vie Parisienne for Southgate Opera, and another production of L’Elisir d’Amore.

About the Musical Director

Giannis Giannopoulos

Giannis Giannopoulos is a London-based Greek pianist/conductor. Giannis holds a degree from the Royal Academy of Music in London and the Royal Birmingham Conservatoire in Piano Performance and Orchestral Conducting respectively.

He has worked as a musical director in the Greek National Opera, Berlin Opera Group, Passaggio Oper, Opera Diaspora and Opera Kipling, taking part in the Fringe Festival in Edinburgh, The Camden Fringe and in other venues. His latest production with Opera Kipling, was nominated for an Off west end theater award (Offies).

Through his own opera group "Corpus Animae", he staged Teleman's "Il Pimpinone" for the Aegina International Music Festival and also runs opera repertoire workshops in London.

Giannis is teaching orchestral conducting in Morley College and Queen Elizabeth’s School for boys, while also leading the Morley College Chamber Choir.

Our cast


Anne Wiel, Bethany Shordon, Bob Luder, Christine Fahy, Dai Noble, Doreen Morgans, Georgios Vagionis, Jaymes Aaron, Jeremy Ireland, Regina Roszczynska, Ros Tatham, Salome Northridge, Sam Starr, Sara Meadows, Yiyi Zhang


29th & 31st of January


29th & 31st of January


29th & 31st of January


29th & 31st of January


29th & 31st of January


29th & 31st of January


29th & 31st of January


29th & 31st of January


30th of January & 1st of February


30th of January & 1st of February


30th of January & 1st of February


30th of January & 1st of February


30th of January & 1st of February


30th of January & 1st of February


30th of January & 1st of February


30th of January & 1st of February


Scene 1: A public audience at Riccardo's palace, attended by his supporters, but also by his enemies who hope for his demise.

Riccardo reviews the list of guests who will attend an upcoming masked ball. He is elated to see the name of the woman he loves on the list – Amelia, the wife of his friend and advisor, Renato (Count Anckarström). (Aria: La rivedrò nell'estasi / "There I will be in ecstasy to see her again"). When Renato arrives, he tries to warn Riccardo about the growing conspiracy against him (aria: Alla vita che t'arride / "Your life, so full of joy and hope"), but Riccardo refuses to listen to his words.

Next, Riccardo is presented with a complaint against a fortune-teller named Ulrica (Madame Arvidson), accused of witchcraft. A magistrate calls for her banishment, but Oscar the page defends her (Aria: Volta la terrea / "Turning her eyes from the earth"). Riccardo resolves to investigate for himself and tells the members of the court to disguise themselves and to meet him at Ulrica's lodging later that day.

Scene 2: At Ulrica's dwelling

Ulrica summons her magical powers: Re dell'abisso, affrettati / "King of the abyss, make haste". Disguised as a fisherman, Riccardo arrives before the others. He makes the fortune of a sailor named Silvano come true by spiriting a document of promotion into his pouch, convincing the crowd of the truth of Ulrica's powers. When he realizes that Amelia is coming to see Ulrica, he hides and watches. Alone with Ulrica, Amelia confesses that she is tormented by her love for Riccardo, and asks for a means to bring peace to her heart. Ulrica tells her to gather a certain herb with magical powers; Riccardo resolves to be there when she does so. Amelia leaves.

Now Riccardo presents himself again, along with all of the courtiers, and asks to have his fortune told. (Aria: Di' tu se fedele / "Tell me if the sea awaits me faithfully"). Ulrica reveals that he will be killed by the next man who shakes his hand. He laughingly dismisses her prophecy and offers his hand to the courtiers, who refuse to take it. Renato arrives and shakes Riccardo's hand in greeting. Riccardo's true identity is now revealed and he is acclaimed by the people.


Scene 1: The gypsies' camp

Amelia, conquering her fears, has come here alone to pick the herb of which Ulrica told her (Aria: Ma dall'arido stelo divulsa / "But when I have plucked the herb"). She is surprised by Riccardo, who has come to meet her, and the two finally declare their love for each other.

Unexpectedly, Renato arrives, and Amelia covers her face with her veil before he can recognize her. Renato explains to Riccardo that the conspirators are pursuing him, and his life is in danger. Riccardo leaves, making Renato promise to escort the veiled woman safely back to town, not asking her identity. When the conspirators arrive, they confront Renato; in the struggle, Amelia's veil drops. Renato assumes that Amelia and Riccardo have been involved in an adulterous love affair. He asks the two leaders of the conspiracy, Samuel and Tom, to meet him the next day.


Scene 1: Renato's house

Renato has resolved to kill Amelia for the dishonor she has brought on him. She protests her innocence and begs to see her son one last time. (Aria: Morrò, ma prima in grazia / "I will die, but first, a kindness"). Renato relents, and declares that it is Riccardo, not Amelia, who deserves to die (Aria: Eri tu che macchiavi quell'anima / "You were the one who stained her soul").

Samuel (Count Ribbing) and Tom (Count Horn) arrive, and Renato asks to join their plot, pledging the life of his son as proof of his sincerity. They agree to draw lots to decide who will kill Riccardo. Amelia is forced to draw the winning name – Renato.

Oscar, the page, arrives with invitations to the masked ball; Samuel, Tom and Renato agree that this is where the assassination will take place.

Scene 2: The ball

Riccardo, torn between love and duty, has resolved to renounce his love for Amelia and send her and Renato back to England (Aria: Ma se m'è forza perderti / "But if I am forced to lose her").

At the ball, Renato tries to learn from Oscar what costume Riccardo is wearing. Oscar at first refuses to tell (Aria: Saper vorreste / "You want to know"), but finally answers: a black cloak and a red ribbon. Riccardo manages to identify Amelia and tells her of the decision he has made. As they say goodbye, Renato stabs Riccardo. The wounded Riccardo discloses that though he loved Amelia, she never broke her marriage vows. He pardons all the conspirators, bidding farewell to his friends and his country as he dies.

